2024 Coupons & Offers




We offer several coupon codes that can be entered during checkout.  During checkout your order summary will appear in a box on the right side of the screen.  At the bottom, just above order total, you will see "Coupons/Gift Certificates".  Click, enter your coupon, and hit apply.



NEW10OFF - New Customers get 10% off their entire order.  Limit one use per customer.  Not applicable to ourdoor kitchens and islands category of products.


15OFFBATH - Spend $100 in bath and body products and get 15% off.  Offer does not apply to non bath and body items in your cart.





Offers in 2024:

Let us quote a special price on your outdoor kitchen, island, or BBQ Pit area!  Email us today orders@bathandbbq.com and a representative will schedule a phone consultation.